Heir of the Covenant
It's quite difficult to attempt to communicate all the important happenings in my life here at Bryan so far. I don't think that I have ever experienced so much in three months before. Time has flown by so quickly, yet the first week seems so long ago. I don't remember much of the first week—what I did or who I met, but I'm quite pleased where I am now!

In order for this not to be an overwhelmingly long post, I'll try to keep my observations to a few key points of interest. Firstly, the classroom is far from the only place that learning takes place. If you are unsure as to whether or not to stay on-campus when you go to college, I highly recommend that you stay in the dorms. So much learning takes place when you are with the same people 24/7. Not to say that you can't have real relationships with people when you live off-campus, but it is much harder and probably won't be as rich. Either way, the fact remains: you learn a lot outside of the classroom. From student government (I'm Freshman class president) to activities, to banquets and spontaneous adventures, life is far from boring and time is far from wasted. Life has been full of challenges yet full of blessings; and many times, those things have gone hand-in-hand.

I've had to deal with relationship drama, difficulties on student government, challenging responsibilities, deadlines, meetings, hard talks with friends, mistakes, confusion, and difficult decisions. All of these things, however, have grown me so much as a person. It has forced me to wholly rely on God's provision—for which He has always come through. It has opened my eyes to how imperfect I truly am; and how imperfect those around truly are as well. It has forced me to prioritize and sacrifice. Most importantly, these things have shown me that life is never easy, but it is in the hard times, the difficult circumstances, the tough decisions, that the most growth takes place, and fosters the most meaningful interaction with God. Don't run away from challenges. Face them and do your best to glorify God in them. God will take care of the rest.

12/2/2010 03:46:04 am

Thanks so much for the post Nathan. I have had some pretty hard stuff lately, college decision, dance auditions, dog troubles, so many things. Its funny how it used to seen to me that we worry over (or cry over) the seemingly small things just as much as the big ones. Now that I've had a pretty hard blow I see that that isn't always true, when something really big, in our eyes at least, shatters before our eyes it really hurts. It is so good to be reminded that God is in control and that He has a plan for our future. Sometimes I just wish I knew what it was! Keep on writing, its much appreciated.

5/28/2011 09:42:59 am

Hey, Nathan! You know, a new post might be cool... :)


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