Heir of the Covenant
Hey guys!  I just have a short thought for you.  Don't ever be attracted to the idea that it's a wonderful thing to be popular.  It can be, but it can also be oh so empty.  Sure, everyone knows your name.  You can walk around the cafeteria and say "hi" to a hundred different people.  You walk on the sidewalk and you'll almost always see someone you know.  Perhaps you'll talk to them--the old, "how are you?  Fine; how are you?" conversation.  Maybe, if you're really popular, you'll get voted to homecoming court.  And you know what?  At the end of the day, you are as lonely as ever.  And, even worse, you haven't made an impact on anyone.
   Popularity, praise, and attractiveness are all good things.  If you're popular, be thankful.  But, don't be thankful that you are just a popular person--it means nothing!--instead, be thankful because God has opened the door for you to minister to a broad range of people.
   Here's how I see it: be loving, kind, and considerate to everyone you meet.  Take the time to talk to them, remember their names, pray for them.  Be real with people.  People will naturally be attracted to that.  BUT, don't just strive for having a bunch of "friends."  Look for a small group--maybe ten, maybe five, maybe three or two--and really give of yourself to them, encouraging them to do the same.  Strive to have a deep, selfless relationship with a small group of people.  Jesus had hundreds of disciples, but he focused on the Twelve.  Don't be afraid of popularity--but make sure you have a solid friends group that you can really give yourself to.  Don't seek popularity either--it has no inherent value.  Seek true and lasting friendships.  It is in these friendships that you will grow and help others to grow as well.
9/18/2010 12:51:09 pm

I agree. :) I am quite hesitant when i comes to friends now.I evaluate potential friendships by the person's character. I'm sorry,but I'd prefer an honest person over a fun one.


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