Heir of the Covenant
My Dad said something a couple of weeks ago that has really stuck with me.  He said, "If you trust God with your eternity, then why don't you trust Him with your today?"  Just ponder that for a second.  It puts things in perspective, doesn't it?  I mean, there are so many times when I'm stressed or anxious or frustrated.  And you know what's at the root of all that?  It's distrust of God and His perfect plan.  I wouldn't hesitate to say that I've put my trust in Jesus and that I know I'm God's child with eternity in my sights.  But then I turn around and get all bent out of shape about little things.  It seems to me that one of Satan's tactics is to make our situation seem really big and God seem really small.  So don't let him!  Instead, whenever you feel anxiety or stress coming on, remind yourself that if you can trust God with your salvation, then you can trust Him with whatever problem you're facing, whether big or small. 
4/25/2010 04:32:03 am

It seems so simple, but it's so hard sometimes to apply truth to the small parts of life. Good stuff!

4/27/2010 04:36:23 am

I wish there was a "like" button for blog posts! :)

Amber Rose
8/9/2010 12:42:31 am

Thank you for posting this, it really speaks to my heart everytime I read it. I have had a tough time trusting God about several things in my life lately and I think that your post has greatly helped me to understand that trust may seem small but it is a really big part of the Christian life. Thank you. :)


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