Heir of the Covenant

You know what?  Sometimes Scripture can be so refreshing.  Why?  Well, it's nice to know that at least one thing I can count on to be absolutely true and absolutely from God.  Let me explain.  I've been reading this book lately that is dealing with some Christian ideas that I don't agree with and are making me struggle a little.  The guy was just making some assertions about Scripture and the Christian life which I wasn't sure was true, but I really couldn't confirm it or anything.  I've got all this information thrown at me and I had been just getting overwhelmed with not knowing the truth!  I also struggle with this when I'm not sure if God is telling me something or not.  It's so subjective and it sometimes seems like I just can't handle it!  "Ahh!!!!"  I scream in my head.  But, you know what I can do?  I can go to God's Word and it's so comforting.  When everything else seems unstable, I know that God's Word is as stable as it can be.  I can go to it (and I can go to Him) and all my jumbled up thoughts and feeling seem so small and not so jumbled up anymore. 
   Who is God?  Well, you know who can tell me that?  God can, cause I have a relationship with Him.  Who is God?  Well, you know what can tell me that? God's Word, because He gave it to us as a gift, as a tool to reveal to us so much about Himself and about  His will.  And, of course, God does speak apart from Scripture to me and to all Christians.  And yes, I will gain a lot of truth from reading other things apart from Scripture, but it is Scripture that I can count on to be completely solid and true.  When all my other thoughts and beliefs are being challenged and seem all jumbled up, Scripture is there to provide me with the truth I need.  Am I making any sense at all?  If not, it may be because I've been awake for almost sixteen hours today.  But, if you can gain anything out of this post, it's to be ever so thankful that God has given us His Word, which we can KNOW is true.  Never ever give it less attention than it deserves.  t's so good and we all need to strive for that because if we don't know the truth that God is speaking to us, then how are we going to be able to combat falsity?  We aren't.  So, just cherish God's Word and read it often!  It's such a blessing to have something so true and stable.     

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