Heir of the Covenant
I teach the 5th and 6th grade Sunday School class at my church.  I've had some weeks that are really good.  The kids seem to be attentive and seem to really want to learn.  They seem to understand what I'm saying and desire to apply it to their lives.  This past week was different.  They were bouncing off the walls and didn't pay as much attention as they should have. I only got through about half the lesson and I didn't know how much the lesson had really impacted them.
    This morning I really injured my lower back.  I've had back problems in the past, but they all went away until this morning.  Perhaps they'll go away soon, or the pain may stay for quite a while.  I have soccer season at college starting up in a few weeks, so the timing is not that great.  Both these things could have been very discouraging.  However, I'm reminded of something my dad has talked about.
   There are going to be bad situations in life.  Bad things are going to happen.  We may have the best intentions.  We may really be trying to serve God.  However, bad things still happen.  When they do, don't get discouraged.  Don't get frustrated.  Why?  Because it truly has happened for a reason.  We say we believe in a Sovereign God, but do we really mean it?  Most of the time we get upset or complain when bad things happen, as if what is happening isn't a good thing for us.  To believe that is to believe that Scripture is lying. 
   Everything that happens is for the good.  God has a purpose for everything that happens.  So instead of getting discouraged when bad things happen (someone dies, a family member is sick, life is hard, your friends abandon you, your plans didn't turn out like you wanted) take the time to pray about it and think through what God may be trying to say to you through this. 
   Look at 2 Sam. 16.  David is on the run from Absalom and Shimei begins to curse him.  David, instead of getting discouraged, or desiring to kill him, does this: "But the king said, 'If he is cursing because the LORD said to him, 'Curse David,' who can ask, 'Why do you do this?' "  David then said to Abishai and all his officials, 'Leave him alone; let him curse, for the LORD has told him to.'"  David was in a bad spot.  He was being cursed, and he didn't deserve it.  However, he recognized that this was from God. He didn't get discouraged.  He didn't get violent.  He realized that God was behind the situation.  He realized that he needed to get his eyes off of himself, and focused on what God was doing.  My Dad says that at the time, though David knew he wasn't being cursed because he took Saul's throne (which is what the man who was cursing him said),  David realized that he deserved to be cursed for taking Bathsheeba and killing Uriah.  He realized that God was speaking to him through the bad situation.  He realized that the cursing was for the best, because it reminded David that he always needs the forgiveness of God.  Does that make sense? 
   All in all, remember that life's circumstances are never going to turn out for your ill.  Whatever happens to you is good for you.  Just look at Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."  DON'T GET DISCOURAGED.  Trust God that in His infinite wisdom and "unsearchable judgments" (Rom. 11:33) He is making a seemingly bad situation into one for your benefit.  Amen?

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