Heir of the Covenant
Hey guys!  So much has happened these last two weeks that it would be impossible to tell you in a blog post.  Instead, I want to share with you one of the most important things that God keeps bringing to my mind these weeks that I've been here at Bryan College: living intentionally. 
   No matter who we are, each and every one of us has influence on those around us.  What we do and what we say--even an encouraging smile or a discouraging frown--everything we do around others has an influence on them.  Furthermore, when boiled down, everything we do is either to the glory of God or the glory of ourselves. 
   The fourth night at Bryan the seniors did something special for the freshmen--they washed their feet.  Wow.  What an image of servant-hood.  It set the stage for my college experience.
   Jesus summed up the ten commandments into two commands--loving God and loving others.  Another way of putting this is serving God and serving others.  Do we really think that way though?  Do we really seek opportunities to wash people's feet (figuratively)?  Do we really take each opportunity captive, looking for ways to glorify God in each situation that we are in?  Serving others instead of serving ourself? 
   Every time you are around people you have the opportunity to influence them for the better--to encourage them, to point their thoughts to God, to help them with a problem, to just talk to them or give them an encouraging hug.  Don't waste the opportunities that you've been given by demanding that others serve you.  Instead, take up the basin and the towel, get on your knees and, in humble service to God, seek to serve those around you.
   Sometimes this means getting out of our comfort zone but if it ends up uplifting someone or drawing them closer to God then it is so worth it!  Whom do you serve?  You serve God!  This isn't meant to be a discouraging post.  We all fail at this but God will always give us other chances.  I hope you are instead encouraged knowing that God has given us the unique task of being with other people, serving them (which is ultimately serving Him), and helping them draw closer to God.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter or any stories that you have of others serving you or you serving others that really had an impact.   
9/7/2010 10:52:03 pm

9/7/2010 11:01:51 pm

Whoops. I don't know why my name is up there as a comment...? *scratches head*

That is not discouraging. That's ENcouraging. Thank you! Wow sounds like Bryan college is a pretty hard-core Christian atmosphere. Am I getting that vibe?

Maybe this is odd, but I feel really served when someone asks me how I'm doing. Not the normal "Hey how are you?""Fine""That's good." But when someone comes to me and says, "How are you? Really." The Bible says so many times to exhort one another and bare each other's burdens and to lift one another up and we don't. But when someone takes that time to do it. I feel incredibly served. And I need to do it to other people more.

Good post, Mizter Johnson. :D


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