Heir of the Covenant

    I've got the flu.  I'm getting over a fever and chills and seem to have traded them for a little nausea and dizziness (along with cough and congestion).  And, my emotions seem to be going too.  Well, not really, but I've found its hard to keep up a good relationship with God when my physical faculties are being barraged from every side.  But, it's not all that depressing, really!  Actually, God has given me some needed joy and peace right now.  Joy and peace, now those are some good friends of mine.  I used to struggle (and still do, though not as much) with being depressed and full of anxiety.  Mainly spiritual anxiety.  It was bad.  I would be anxious about my relationship with God and what His will was for me, etc...Have I told some of this to you before?  Well, something interesting that i had been forgetting is that joy and peace (two things that I long for and pray for when I don't have) aren't just gifts that God gives us.  They are, but I realized that they are the some of the Fruits of the Spirit.  Love, JOY, PEACE, patience, etc...  These two things are an indication (fruits) of the Holy Spirit's work in me.  This is such a great comfort to me, and I hope it is to all of you who struggle as I struggle.  Joy and Peace are things that God really wants us to have.  They are things that come from just being His children.   I knew that Scripture talks about rejoicing always and talks about the peace that God gives us, but it took a long while to sink in. 
   So, some interesting things that I now do when I'm not joyful and at peace.  Well, I pray about it.  If joy and peace are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's work in me, then there are basically two options.  Either this anxiety and depression and un-peacefulness (which usually means that I feel far from God) are either because I have unconfessed sin/are in unrepentant sin (which hinders the work of the Spirit) or it is from Satan.  This is comforting believe it or not.  Because, God will give it to us if we ask.  So, when I feel this weight on my shoulders that I'm sure you have experienced, I pray to God.  I ask Him to show me if I need to confess any sin.  And if I'm not in unrepentant sin, that He would give me back this joy and peace.  I know it might sound wishy-washy (and maybe you disagree, which is fine), but God will give us peace and joy...they are manifestations of His work.  So, take cheer, you who are heavy laden, and God will give you rest.  

2/19/2009 02:28:40 am

Hey Nathan!
That is really comforting, I've been struggling with some things lately and it's encourgaging to hear that God wants us to have joy and peace. It's easy to forget these things are Fruits of the Spirit, things God wants us to develop.
I'm sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better soon. :)

Dan Midgett
2/19/2009 04:32:22 am

Oooh! That's no fun! Being sick is really annoying...and you're right...it can be real hard to concentrate when you are aching all over. God cares about us in every situation though...even if he doesn't heal us automatically of everything we can bet he cares...I told Emma this story, but basically I was sick 2 or 3 weeks ago...I mean terribly sick...it felt like flu or strep or something...but when I cried out to God it was like that was what he was waiting for all along...my sickness dissolved (literally) and I've felt great since! God's love and peace can rest on us at any time if we are willing to embrace it...however that is...keep growing and I hope you feel better. God is your strength!


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