Heir of the Covenant
Happy Thanksgiving! There are many things I want to talk about in light of what today is about.  First, I just want to thank God for choosing to save me from the kingdom of darkness and an eternity without Him.  If it weren't for Him, I would be totally lost in this world.  Second I want to thank God for continually pulling me back on the right path when I stray.  He has made me who I am and it is only because of His grace that I am close to Him right now.  I also want to really thank Him for my family.  I LOVE FAMILY.  Mom, Dad, brothers, cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  If you are not thankful for your family, sincerely ask God to change your perspective.  Contentedness and thankfulness are so important, especially contentedness about family.  They are such a blessing and such a gift.  Gifts are meant to be enjoyed and treasured, so enjoy you family and treasure them dearly.  Thank God everyday for the family He has placed you in.  This Thanksgiving (or even after Thanksgiving) I have a challenge for you.  Think of two things that you are specifically thankful for of each immediate family member (and don't be vague!).  Just two things, it shouldn't be very hard.  And, think of at least five things that you appreciate about each parent.  They sacrifice so much for you, thank them, and acknowledge the things that they do for you.  You have no idea how much it will bless your family members if you tell them some things that you a  And, as an added bonus, you may want to tell some of your friends the things you appreciate about them  Anyway, I hope that your Thanksgiving is/was good, and I hope you remain thankful the other 364 days out of the year!  Thank you for reading my blog! :-)
11/26/2009 07:23:44 am

That's a great idea! I will definitely do that.


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