Heir of the Covenant
This is a pretty popular modern hymn, and quite a good one!  All of the verses are good, but I want you to take a special look at the first verse.  It shares so many truths about Christ.  First, it is in He that we find our hope.  Let's face it...there is no hope in this world.  This world is broken, and we are broken.  No satisfaction can be found in it.  No hope of a better life to come.  Except through Christ.  We have been given a hope.  Isn't that so great?  Through Christ, sin has been broken, and we have been raised to new life.  In Him we can find true satisfaction.  In Him we have hope of a better life to come.  Christ is our hope.  Also, He is the light in this dark world, and the strength through tough times.  I'll deal with this some in my blog post, but these last couple weeks have been a real struggle against Satan.  But, God has granted me the strength to defeat him.  Don't try to fight on your own.  You'll lose.  But, in Christ, you shall be strong.  He is your cornerstone and solid ground.  Never wavering.  A constant help in times of trouble.  Don't doubt Him.  His love for you knows no bounds.  And, through the tough times, He will be a comforter who will grant you peace that passes understanding.  Go in peace.

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
In this life, there is a lot to be anxious about.  There's a lot that can make us worry or make us fear.  We fear for our safety.  We fear for our reputation.  We fear for our salvation.  Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious about anything, but to go to God with it in prayer.  There is a reason why it is to God that we go with our anxiety: it is because He is sovereign.  He is in control of everything that happens.  Nothing happens that He does not have God's stamp on it.  He is in control.  Everything that happens will be for our good.  This is a great comfort to me--to know that God is in control.  He is in control of creation, as the first verse talks about.  He is in control of people, as the second verse points out.  He is in control of our circumstances, and He will reward us for our striving to please Him, as the third verse points out.  So, we put our trust in Him, for He is in control.  I hope this is a great comfort to you.

O Father, You are sovereign
In all the worlds You made;
Your mighty Word was spoken,
And light and life obeyed.
Your voice commands the seasons
And bounds the ocean’s shore,
Sets stars within their courses
And stills the tempests’ roar.

O Father, You are sovereign
In all affairs of man;
No powers of death or darkness
Can thwart Your perfect plan.
All chance and change transcending,
Supreme in time and space,
You hold your trusting children
Secure in Your embrace.

O Father, You are sovereign
The Lord of human pain,
Transmuting earthly sorrows
To gold of heavenly gain,
All evil overruling,
As none but Conqueror could,
Your love pursues its purpose--
Our souls’ eternal good.

O Father, You are sovereign!
We see You dimly now,
But soon before Your triumph
Earth’s every knee shall bow.
With this glad hope before us
Our faith springs forth anew:
Our Sovereign Lord and Savior,
We trust and worship You!

This is such a great worship song to Christ, our Savior and King.  Many times it is hard to find love for a Savior that we can't see.  For a Savior that we can't hear.  But, all we need to do is look at His life, and see why we should love Him.  We love Him because He is our Savior.  We love Him because He first loved us.  And we'll keep on loving Him in this life, and we'll keep on loving Him in the next.  I hope this hymn will help you see why we should love Jesus.  And, afterward, spend a little time telling Jesus why you love Him. 

My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign.
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I love Thee because Thou has first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree.
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.
You know what I love about this praise hymn?  It really articulates what we are praising God for.  Instead of just saying, "You are worthy of praise."  We are describing God and His attributes--showing why He is so worthy of praise.  I hope you come to understand more and more the attributes of God, and understand more and more the reasons why God is so worthy of praise.  He is so worthy of glory.  So many times, I seek to glorify myself, instead of God.  But, when I stop and think about God, I see there is no comparison between He and I.  He is so worthy of glory; I am not.  I hope you enjoy this hymn, and come to understand more and more why God is so worthy of praise. 

Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessèd, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.

Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.

To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish—but naught changeth Thee.

Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
But of all Thy rich graces this grace, Lord, impart
Take the veil from our faces, the vile from our heart.

All laud we would render; O help us to see
’Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee,
And so let Thy glory, Almighty, impart,
Through Christ in His story, Thy Christ to the heart.

    Every month, I will be posting the lyrics of a hymn as the new Hymn of the Month.  I hope you will read it and try to apply it...hymns are such a blessing, let's not let them go to waste.  My dad suggested something to me.  He said whenever you're down or are facing a temptation, start to sing...so I sing hymns.  There are different types of hymns.  Some for praising God, some about the nature of God, and some about how God relates to His people.  I bet you there is a good hymn for any sort of situation you are in, so I hope the ones I put up here every month will be helpful.  Feel free to comment on any of these hymns and share any insight that you might have.


    February 2010
    January 2010
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    September 2009
    August 2009
    July 2009
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    April 2009
    March 2009
    February 2009